Simplify your cleaning routine
The products you use to clean your home have a PROFOUND impact on your health!
Easily reduce your exposure to potentially toxic chemicals in your home by making your own cleaning products.
Homemade cleaning supplies are just as effective as store-bought; plus they are CHEAPER and SAFER.
Build Your Cleaning Kit
Just a few ingredients can get you started. Soon, you'll discover that making just a couple simple recipes will be sufficient to clean your entire home. AND, they will be cheaper and safer than most store-bought products.
It's time to stop buying into the lie that you need a different cleaning product for every surface in your home!
What You Need:
Baking Soda
Essential Oils
Castile Soap
Baking Soda
Castile Soap
Essential Oils
Absorbs and eliminates odor. Use to clean countertops, sinks, and tubs, as well as to freshen soft surfaces like furniture, beds and carpet.
Salt is an effective scouring agent. Pour salt mixed with hot water down the kitchen sink regularly to deodorize and keep grease from building up
Contains natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. Cuts grease and dissolves mineral deposits.
Lifts dirt, cuts grease, and eliminates tough stains. Pour a small amount over baking sheets and pans then scrub for a few minutes, and you’ll have clean, shiny results
Essential oils cleanse surfaces, purify the air, and they leave behind a pleasant aroma that will instantly make your home feel clean and refreshed (even during calving season).
Essential Oil Selection Tips...
*Use high quality CPTG essential oils, so you know they are safe
*Use an aromatherapy resource guide to select oils based on their properties.
*Through the fall and winter, I use a protective blend called On Guard to support the immune system. In the spring and summer, citrus oils like wild orange and lemon because lift my mood!
*Pick oils that smell good to you!
*Switch it up for the season
*Experiment with different combos
*Less is More! A good rule of thumb for mixing your own recipes for cleaning is 3-10 drops essential oil per 16 ounces of liquid (water or vinegar)
Start with a few basic recipes
All Purpose Cleaning Spray
What you Need:
*A glass bottle with a spray top (I used an old apple cider vinegar bottle and attached a spray top I got at a local discount store)
*Distilled or Purified Water
*White Vinegar
*Your favorite essential oils
What you Do:
*Put 20-30 drops of essential oils in your bottle
*Fill your bottle 3/4 full with distilled or purified water
*Add 1/2 Cup Vinegar
Shake before each use
windows, mirrors and glass
floor mop solution
Great Oil Combos to Try:
25 drops On Guard
15 drops each of Lemon & Lime
15 drops each of Rosemary & Lemongrass
10 drops each of Rosemary, Clove, and Wild Orange
15 drops each of Lavender & Eucalyptus
All Purpose Cleaning Paste
What you Need:
*A glass jar (wide, shallow jelly jars work great) with a lid.
*Baking Soda
*OnGuard Cleaning Concentrate OR Castile Soap
*Your favorite essential oils
What you Do:
*Add 1/2 Cup Baking Soda to you container
*Add 3-4 TBS Concentrate or Castile
*Optional: 10-20 drops essential oil
*Mix and add more liquid soap until you get a toothpaste-like consistency
*Stir before each use. Apply past with a soft scrub brush. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes. Wet and wipe clean. Shine surface with your all purpose cleaning spray
*Store in air-tight jar.
laundry stains
pots and pans
Great Oil Combos to Try:
Note: If you use OnGuard Cleaning Concentrate, there is no need to add extra oils.
10 drops each of Lemon & Clove
10 drops each Lemon & Lime
8 drops each of Rosemary & Lemongrass
8 drops each of Rosemary, Clove, and Wild Orange
"DoTerra has changed our family in many ways. We having been using essential oils for 5 years. On Guard Concentrate is probably my biggest asset to our health. I use it to clean everything from my kitchen to laundry to the bathroom. Being a chemical free home has been a huge plus for us. I was gifted another “natural” cleaner for Christmas. I used it for about two weeks and we all ended up with colds. That is the first one in 4 years that the entire family had been sick. I think it is because I didn’t use On Guard to clean with for two weeks. I threw the other cleaner away and went back to what works!" Brandi R.