Are you struggling to keep up?
Kids, husband, home, animals, job... sometimes it all feels like too much to keep up with.
Rural women are a tough breed. One minute you are outside caring for a newborn calf or raking hay, the next you are cooking for a crew of hungry hands.
You run from kids' activities, to the tractor store for parts, to the feed store and home again... and somewhere in all the chaos, you might have time to throw in a load of laundry and mop the muddy boot prints off the kitchen floor.
Throw in 40 hours a week at a job in town, the loneliness that can set in from feeling isolated, a little lack of sleep, and you have a recipe for major burn-out with health issues certain to follow.
I know you LOVE your crazy, busy life! But what if I could help lighten your load?

How I got Here...

It wasn't that long ago that I felt ALL these struggles too. I was a new Mom, trying to balance motherhood, a full time job and trying to be a good wife. I was TIRED, and I felt like I was failing at everything. I spent my days running from work to daycare, to home again; helping on our family ranch as much as I could, but never really feeling "all-in" as a partner to my husband, and never feeling that I was doing what God had planned for me.
Finally, I could no longer bear the thought of someone else spending more time with my kids than I did. I had missed out on giggles & snuggles, first words & first steps. I loved my job, but I loved my family more.
Mamas, you need to hear this... 18 years goes by in a FLASH. I hit a point that I had to give my struggles to God. I prayed - A LOT! And together, my husband and I decided that we both wanted me home. So, I quit my job. We gave up our health insurance and I was at the mercy of God's will.

There's A Reason you are Here...
There is a reason you clicked this page. Maybe you are looking for that ONE thing that will bring you home full-time. Perhaps you are looking for a little extra spending money. Or maybe you just want something in your life that you can feel passionate about.
What Would it Mean...
What would it mean to you if you had a little more time to enjoy the rural lifestyle?

I am NOT a Salesperon!
But when opportunity knocks... Or as I prefer to say, when God opens a door, you better bet I'm walking through it!
The day that I was introduced to doTERRA essential oils, my life took an unexpected turn. (see my doTERRA story). I was in love with the way these natural solutions supported the health of my family. I loved how I had natural tools in my home to handle life's little emergencies, but I NEVER dreamed it would lead to a career.
I know my animals, but I mean... I am the WORST salesperson in the world. No joke. The only job I was ever fired from was selling Ag Education products to Ag teachers (pretty bad, right?)
But guess what? I didn't have to SELL anyone on anything. I just started telling people about how Digest Zen made my stomach feel better, and about how Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint supported my son through his spring sniffles. I told another friend about how Basil helped increase my goat's milk production, and how I used Frankincense on our cow dog,Tess's, hot spots.
I was even getting compliments on how good I smelled!
I couldn't help but share my experiences with essential oils, and it wasn't long until people were coming to me with problems that I had a solution for! People wanted what I had, and it just came naturally for me to help them and to serve to their needs. Suddenly it clicked, and I realized I had found my passion.
Then one day, I got a paycheck in the mail. WHAT?
I didn't even know how that happened! (Yes, I had a lot of learning to do)
If this story resonates with you, maybe we can walk this path together.

"I feel blessed to have worked with Kacey over the past eight years. She is one of my top leaders and truth be known, one of my personal teachers. I learned many business strategies from her as she began to develop her team.
As doTERRA grew and added new healthful items to their product line, Kacey started using them in the DIY products that she was already famous for. She was the Mom who had to create natural creams and salves to care for her children when the over-the-counter products didn't work"
-Karen Gilroy - Author, Owner of All Natural karengilroy.com
When you love what you do,
It doesn't feel like work!
*Do you love supporting other Moms?
*Are you passionate about having a healthy family?
*Do you cherish the God-given gifts that surround us in nature?
*Are you a visionary who feels like you were made for more?
Do you find that the things that end up having the most value to you are the things you work the hardest for? Our goal with this business opportunity is to be able to experience lasting joy that comes from serving within our greater purpose and finding our passion. It's FOREVER, not fleeting happiness. I can happily say that I no longer feel the same daily struggles I experienced before. I can now enjoying this Happy, Healthy, Intentional lifestyle. I get to be a full partner in our family ranch, spend time with my kids, have a job I love, and I am getting paid to do it!
Working with me is a REAL business opportunity. From day ONE, you take full ownership and full responsibility for your business. But I will provide you with a perfectly laid out road map on how to build to the income level you desire. I will be your mentor and your biggest cheerleader. I've already been down this road and cleared a path.
Now, I can't wait to help you succeed.
With some hard work and a passion for serving, this "side hustle" can replace your day job, and you will be spending more time doing the thing you love. How quickly that happens is up to you. Financial freedom is attainable, and I feel so blessed to be able to give more.
" give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

"I have worked with Kacey for 6 years now and she is so knowledgeable about both the products and the business. She genuinely cares about making a difference in people lives - not only with their own health goals, but with their future and financial goals as well.
Kacey is a natural leader, an astute business woman and so much FUN!!! I love her spirit, her ability to connect with people and understand their pain & help find a solution. She is a loving mom, wife, entrepreneur and she will be your best mentor/cheerleader/accountability partner.
You can’t ask for a better business partner than Kacey "
-Judy Rushing - Owner of A Better Body Within, doTERRA Blue Diamond, judyrushing.com
If you love country life, healthy living and Jesus, and If you are still here and still reading, then we might make a good match as business partners. If you are a dig-in-your-heels, straighten your ponytail and get to work kinda gal, then YOU are in the right place and I would love to partner with you.
Who is the ideal person for the doTERRA business?
1. You must have an open mind when it comes to using natural products.
2. You must USE the products. (Which wont' be an issue ,because you are going to love them!)
3. You must have a strong work ethic and take ownership of your business
4. You must have a desire to serve the needs of others

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Col 3: 23-24

"I love how Kacey seeks out knowledge & never wants to stop learning. She sees beauty everywhere, in simple daily things & in other people's junky stuff, then her amazing creativity takes over & she shares it with everyone!
My favorite thing about her is her HUMOR! She bends toward happy, funny, light filled things and laughs so easily, including at herself & it's so disarming and wonderful. I love how Kacey is so comfortable being herself.
Her faith is also her superpower. "
-Joani Guzman, Co-Founder of Fiamma career coaching and consulting , fiammaup,com